nbackup: A file or directory cannot be restored. The system is out of disk space.) from NWSMTSWriteDataSet

What a problem, took me a couple of day’s to figure it out. And the problem is…….

Directory Space Restrictions!!!!!!! 😕

This isn’t a rare problem, i’t can be found on but not with this error. Thats why I post it here.

Apparently the directory has reached it quota. And during the migration you need more free space in the directory than there is left. So you get a error that there is no more free space.

Solution: Remove or expande the directory quota’s temporaly or use nss /noquotacheck in nnscon

SLP DA giving out services with and SLP DA status show up as NORSP in slpinfo

I noticed with a tool called slpsnoop, that service advertise them self with a ip adress

When I look for example at /etc/slp.reg.d/ntp.reg I see the following registration:


When I do a echo $HOSTNAME I get the servername back. But when I ping the server name I ping So I looked at the /etc/hosts file and there I see the following record:   localhost    servername  servername

So the first record DNS finds is and that is what get advertised. If you remove the part after localhost everything works fine!

Update 2008-09-03:

It seems that a customized template for Vmware ESX alters the /etc/hosts file for So watch out!