
openSUSE 11.3 is out!

Just a quick copy/paste action from the opensuse.org site:

openSUSE 11.3 is finally out! The openSUSE Project is pleased to announce the release of openSUSE 11.3. openSUSE 11.3 includes new versions of GNOME, KDE, OpenOffice.org, Firefox, the Linux kernel, and many, many more updates and improvements. In 11.3 you’ll find more than 1,000 open source desktop applications. openSUSE also includes a full suite of server software and a rich selection of open source development tools. Get it today!


Novellcongres.nl presentation: OES2 on vSphere best practice

In June I gave a presentation OES2 on vSphere best practice. After this session I got a lot of possible response from
the people in the studio.

Although you can download the presentation a long time from the novellcongres.nl site, I thought to post it out here also. One disadvantage, because the congres is called novellconges.nl the presentation is in Dutch. But although Dutch isn’t your native language, I guess you can make some sense reading the presentation and looking at the commands. Especially the commands about aligning NSS on a VMware virtual disk is nice!

I only have 1 condition if you download the presentation. You must give me feedback 🙂


Change duplex setting on vSphere Service Console

During a training a student accidentally changed the duplex setting of the vmnic for the service console to fixed 1000Mbit full duplex. This isn’t so bad, if the vmnic wasn’t on a 100Mbit switch!

So I had to go to the service console to change the duplex setting back to auto.
I expected to use the esxcfg-vswif command. But with this command you cannot change the duplex setting. After some investigation I discovered to use normal Linux command like ethtool.

To see the current settings:

ethtool vmnic1

To change the settings to 1000Mbit full duplex:

ethtool -s vmnic1 autoneg off
ethtool -s vmnic 1 speed 1000 duplex full

To change it backup again to auto:

ethtool -s vmnic1 autoneg on



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It took a while but inspirited by a girlfriend Maggie van Kempen I registered for a Twitter account. I plan to use my Twitter not to let you all know if I go to the toilet or something like that, but just to announce new interesting blog articles written by me. So if you like to get notified through Twitter, please click the follow me link!


Configuring a SLES DHCP failover

In most networks DHCP is one of the single-point-of-failures. If DHCP failes, every devices relying on DHCP cannot function.

In order to  provide a high availability to your DHCP server, set up a backup DHCP server running the same Linux distribution and version, as follows:

  1. Stop DHCP on both DHCP servers (rcdhcpd stop).
  2. On your primary DHCP server, add lines to the /etc/dhcpd.conf file, similar to following example:
    failover peer "dhcp" {
       address;          # local host IP address
       port 647;                      # make sure this port is not used by other
       peer address;     # backup host IP address
       peer port 647;
       max-response-delay 60;
       max-unacked-updates 10;
       mclt 600;
       split 128;
       load balance max seconds 3;
    include "/etc/dhcpd.master";

    On your backup DHCP server, add lines to the /etc/dhcpd.conf file, similar to following example:

    failover peer "dhcp" {
       address;         # local host IP address
       port 647;                     # make sure this port is not used by other
       peer address;    # primary host IP address
       peer port 647;
       max-response-delay 60;
       max-unacked-updates 10;
    include "/etc/dhcpd.master";
  3. Add the following lines to the end of /etc/dhcpd.master on both DHCP servers. On SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, copy this file to /var/lib/dhcp/etc.
    subnet netmask {
      pool {
        failover peer "dhcp";
        deny dynamic bootp clients;
      option routers;
  4. Start DHCP on both DHCP servers (rcdhcpd start.

After these configurations are complete, the primary DHCP server, which is usually a management server or install server, responds to DHCP client requests. If the primary DHCP server goes offline, the backup DHCP server automatically takes its place and provides DHCP service.