Powershell: Create 1000 AD test users
Sometimes you need to test something in your lab and you need a 1000 test users. For this, I created a simple Powershell script. Feel free to use.
Make sure to set the correct variables and that the OU exists!
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$OU = "OU=TestUsers,DC=VirtualHike,DC=Internal"
$Domain = "virtualhike.internal"
$total = 1000
for ($userIndex=0; $userIndex -lt $total; $userIndex++)
$userID = "{0:0000}" -f ($userIndex + 1)
$userName = "VIEW$userID"
Write-Host "Creating user" ($userIndex + 1) "of" $total ":" $userName
New-ADUser `
-AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString "AAaaAAaa11!!11" -AsPlainText -Force) `
-City "Amsterdam" `
-Company "VirtualHike" `
-Country "NL" `
-Department "HomeLAB" `
-Description ("TEST ACCOUNT " + $userID + ": This is a test account. Not a real user!")`
-DisplayName "Test User ($userID)" `
-Division "IT" `
-EmailAddress "$userName@$Domain" `
-EmployeeNumber "$userID" `
-EmployeeID "ISED$userID" `
-Enabled $true `
-Fax "12345-$userID" `
-GivenName "Test" `
-HomePhone "12345-$userID" `
-Initials "TU$userID" `
-MobilePhone "12345-$userID" `
-Name "Test User ($userID)" `
-Office "Office: $userID"`
-OfficePhone "12345-$userID" `
-Organization "IT" `
-Path $OU `
-POBox "PO Box $userID"`
-PostalCode $userID `a
-SamAccountName $userName `
-State "Noord Brabant" `
-StreetAddress "$userID Sherwood" `
-Surname "User ($userID)" `
-Title "Title" `
-UserPrincipalName "$userName@$Domain"
About Michael
Michael Wilmsen is a experienced VMware Architect with more than 20 years in the IT industry. Main focus is VMware vSphere, Horizon View and Hyper Converged with a deep interest into performance and architecture.
Michael is VCDX 210 certified, has been rewarded with the vExpert title from 2011, Nutanix Tech Champion and a Nutanix Platform Professional.