Building device drivers for ZCM 10 imaging

In previous version of ZENworks it was hard to get the latest drivers for your new bought hardware. As of ZCM 10 this
is can be done in a SLES10 installation because the preboot enviroment is based on SLES10.

On the Coolsolution site of Novell there is a article who explains how you compile your driver for ZCM Imaging.

Check it out1

Automatic documentation of your SLES/OES2 server

The last 2 weeks I replaced a customer of mine while he was on holiday (he just got married!).
Beside solving daily problems, I had the tasks to document his network en especially the SLES/OES2 servers.

First day I started copying setting to a text document. After a hour I thought by myself: “But what is he changes something next week, than my documentation is no longer up-to-date”. This is a problem we al know about.

So I wrote a scripted who reads the most important (as far as I know) configuration files and writes them to a HTML file. This file is uploaded through SSH to a central server where you can view the setting.
The script runs every day and before writing the new setting, a backup is created of the old files. So you can always look back how it was.

Probably I did not include all the important configuration files. So if you miss one, let me known and I will include them.

The script I wrote is a modified script from Tim Burgess. He has made the bases. I include most of the Config File section.

no images were found

The installation is simple

Download the file doc-server.tar.gz


  1. Create a directory called doc-server in /opt
  2. untar the doc-server.tar.gz file in this directory. You should get 3 directories called: server, client and archive
  3. In the header of the server/gen-html file change the variable to whatever you want
  4. Add the gen-html script to your crontab file.


  1. Create a Public Key login with SSH to your central server. How? Check here.
  2. Create a directory called doc-server in  /opt
  3. Copy the client directory from the central server (/opt/doc-server/client). Note: This is the only directory that is necessary for the client.
  4. Modify the variables in the header of the doc-server file to whatever you want.
  5. Add the script doc-server to your crontab file. Make sure this script runs before the gen-html server on the central server.

After a first run you can open the index.html file with you favorite web browser.

Upgrade guide from Netware to OES2 SP1

Many information on products I find on the internet (Like you Guy’s because otherwise you won’t be reading this post ;-)).
The documentation site of Novell is a great source for me to get info how to install or configure a Novell product. And let us don’t forget the support forums!

On the documentation site, Novell published a great document how to upgrade from Netware to OES2 SP1. So check it out!

SSH Public Key login

This topic has been covered on many sites, but I want to document it for myself so I can find it back easily

We use the ssh-keygen utility to generate a RSA key pair. The private key is saved in ~/.ssh/id_rsa with no passphrase and the public key is saved in ~/.ssh/

server1:~/ssh # ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
50:fe:4f:cb:5a:8f:44:53:7c:9c:7f:e1:c9:99:db:bd root@server1

Now you have to copy the content of the to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys of the user on the host you want to connect to.

Now you can login without a password.

Firefox 3.5 on OpenSuse 11.1

Last night Mozilla released Firefox 3.5. Just in time because they announced to release 3.5 in jun 😉

What’s new?
Firefox 3.5 is based on the Gecko 1.9.1 rendering platform, which has been under development for the past year. Firefox 3.5 offers many changes over the previous version, supporting new web technologies, improving performance and ease of use. Some of the notable features are:

  • Available in more than 70 languages. (Get your local version!)
  • Support for the HTML5 and elements including native support for Ogg Theora encoded video and Vorbis encoded audio. (Try it here!)
  • Improved tools for controlling your private data, including a Private Browsing Mode.
  • Better web application performance using the new TraceMonkey JavaScript engine.
  • The ability to share your location with websites using Location Aware Browsing.
  • Support for native JSON, and web worker threads.
  • Improvements to the Gecko layout engine, including speculative parsing for faster content rendering.
  • Support for new web technologies such as: downloadable fonts, CSS media queries, new transformations and properties, JavaScript query selectors, HTML5 local storage and offline application storage, text, ICC profiles, and SVG transforms.
  • If you want to install Firefox 3.5 on OpenSuse 11.1 (Like me!) do:
    sudo zypper ar Firefox
    sudo zypper mr -r Firefox
    sudo zypper up -r Firefox

    If you get a message: “Nothing to do.”
    Start Yast | Software Manager. Search for Firefox en select update.